Well it's been about a month and a half since the last post, this is largely due to the fact I am still waiting on a new house and living in my friend's basement does not leave me with a lot of space to paint. However, this weekend was HISTORICON 2016 in Fredricksburg, VA, only about 10 mile from here so I made the trek down to check out the U.S.A.'s largest historical wargaming convention.
The convention was held at the Fredricksburg Expo and Conference Center. The event, running from Thursday through Sunday, featured over 60 vendors, 71 open gaming tables, a tournament area 25 tables, a Flames of War tournament area with another 18 tables, and 9 ball/meeting rooms with 49 club gaming tables. In addition they had a seminar room that was busy throughout with various presentations, Hobby University with six classes going on at a time, and a flea-market in the back. Below are some of the better presented tables (or ones with games that interest me) throughout the day. Remember to click on the pictures to see larger versions!
This gorgeous table was in the Open/General Gaming Hall and was used to play Bolt Action all day long. I saw at least three separate games throughout the day.
This was a display table in the General Gaming Hall showing the Charge Of the Light Brigade at Balaclava in 1854. This epitomized the theme of the convention: Cavalry. Speaking of which, my free gift was a Warlord Games exclusive figure: George McDonald Fraser's Sir Harry Paget Flashman.
Another table in one of the club rooms focusing on the theme of the event was the one below on the Italian Wars of 1536 to 1564.
The next club table was a medieval battle with cavalry on one side of the town and foot on the other.

Another nice club table was this one featuring a First Nation (American Indian) skirmish game. I wish I could remember the name of the rules as it looked interesting.
The next club table featured the now discontinued Lord of the Rings game from Games Workshop. This particular game was the Battle of Pelargir. The table ran two to three games a day, each focused on a different battle.
This last club table was a huge battlefield featuring a war between Celts.

I was able to participate in one Hobby University class, Advanced Beginner's Painting taught by Tanya Brewer out of Fredrick, Maryland. The course taught shading and highlighting using shades and the feather technique vice using a wash and line. This was added some additional tricks to use when I am not just pushing through trying to get an army ready for the table. I also learned how to use gloss finish to obscure pits and fine casting lines in hard to reach places on metal miniatures. I got to keep the miniature which is barbarian woman from Reaper Miniatures.
The last major event of the day was catching a seminar on Miniature Wargaming the Movie with Joseph Piddington. This was a nice back story on the documentary that is now in post production and on its second Kickstarter to cover the additional expenses of licences and film festival application fees. This is going to be a great documentary, geared for non-wargamers, and I highly recommend supporting the Kickstarter for it! (and yes, I know it is already over its goal).
Lastly, the day would not be complete without some purchases from some of the vendors. While most of the vendors had some top quality stuff I made my purchases from the Warlord Games booth, the Casemate Publishers booth, and from Eureka Miniatures.
From Warlord Games I picked up the Battle of Xilos expansion with special miniature for Beyond the Gates of Antares, the Boromite Gang Fighters and Work Gang for the same, another USMC kit for Bolt Action (more diorama projects) and the The Army Painter Strong Tone can for dipping. From Casemate Publishers I purchased Team Yankee (been wanting it for a while) and Bretherton. From Eureka Miniatures I picked up a modern USMC squad (14 figures as they have a radio operator with them).
Overall the convention was great fun and an enjoyable experience for my first wargaming convention. I am looking forward to Fall In! this November!