Wednesday, May 4, 2016

USMC Platoon

    So, finally finished assembling my USMC platoon just in time for the move.  All of them are now primed (there are about six in the photo that were not at this point as I had found them stashed away in the KR case).  They are now all stored safely in the KR case and ready for transport, I will be taking them on the plane with me as I have no idea when I will see my household goods next, two months at the earliest.

    Here we have the sniper team (just needs basing), the forward observer team, and the flame thrower team on the left.  The first four were painted while I was doing the miniatures for the GySgt Gifts as I had them built already.  On the right are two emplaced medium machine gun teams and a third medium machine gun team displacing to a new location.  All of these teams are now sticky tacked to 60mm bases for the move.

    In front is the Lt with the Plt Sgt and his shotgun. On the left we have two dog teams (only one will be used), a 60mm mortar team, and the bazooka team.  The mortar team is also now based on a 60mm base.  On the right is the fire support squad and in the back is the beautiful LVT-4 Buffalo AMTRAC.

    Lastly we have the maneuver squad and the assault squad.  Each squad is a squad leader and three fire-teams of three men, as I am going for historical accuracy with this build.  Each squad has two BARs (would be three but BA only allows 2).  Each squad also has one Marine armed with a Springfield M1903 rifle with a Layman No. 5A 5x scope.

    Looking forward to painting and getting these guys on the table but right now I am trying to get as many of my Japanese assembled prior to the move as possible.

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