Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Doctor Who: 12th Doctor Set

Back this week with the second half of my daughter's Christmas present, the 12th Doctor and Companions set.  Once again I used Warlord Games' painting guide online for each character using Army Painter paints.  The 12th Doctor is only into his second season so his list of companions is a lot more limited than the others at this time.

The 12th Doctor is played by Peter Capaldi whose first appearance was way back in 2008 when he played a Roman citizen in Pompeii during the eruption.  His appearance here is the 12th Doctor's classic look with red or black cloak, black sonic sunglasses and electric guitar.  This miniature was nicely done and easy enough to paint (though the guitar was a little tricky with such small details).  Unfortunately the sunglasses bled a little onto his forehead and I need to repaint the face when I get the chance.

The first companion is the crossover companion from the 11th to 12th Doctors, Clara Oswald played by Jenna Coleman.  She is also the main companion of Doctor and finished her last show at the end of last season (2015 as there was no show in 2016).  She has since moved on to play the title character in the British historical drama Victoria.  I was initially disappointed in the sculpt like I was with Billie Piper's Rose Tyler, feeling the face did not do the actor justice.  Looking at it now I feel the face is much closer to Jenna's then Billie's sculpt, I just need to keep working on my skills. She has a simple outfit for this one and I am very much looking forward to her version with the 11th Doctor.

The next three companions are known as the Paternoster Gang and make their first appearance in the 11th Doctor episode "A Good Man Goes to War", a very good episode.  The group makes various appearances throughout the 11th and 12th Doctor series but never stay long.  They are present when at the first appearance of the 12th Doctor following his regeneration.  

Strax is a member of the warrior Sontaran alien race. Strax was forced to serve as a nurse, healing the injured as a punishment for being defeated by the Doctor during the Sontaran invasion of Earth. This is contrary to the Sontaran's warrior instincts and mentality and as such, Strax has been known to occasionally slip back to his Sontaran ways and mannerisms. In "A Good Man Goes to War", he states that he is nearly 12, suggesting that this is quite old for a Sontaran. A running gag is Strax's inability to tell the difference between genders and his obsession with using violent tactics. Strax is played by Welsh actor Dan Starkey and is seen in his butler outfit from his second appearance.

Madam Vastra is a female Silurian warrior from prehistoric Earth who was awakened from hibernation in the 19th century when her lair was disturbed during the construction of the London Underground. Initially enraged, she slaughtered five commuters before being pacified by the Doctor. She eventually overcame her race's hatred of humans and joined London society. She became a consulting detective to Scotland Yard, and a possible inspiration for the Sherlock Holmes stories. Among her unseen adventures is her capture of Jack the Ripper, whom she eats (she mentions in "A Good Man Goes to War" that she found him "stringy, but tasty all the same"). She hired a maid, Jenny Flint, who assists her in her investigations and who is also married to her. Madam Vastra is played by the Scottish actress Neve McIntosh.

Jenny Flint's backstory in "The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later" shows she was turned away from her family because of her "preferences in companionship", and saved from attackers by Vastra, who took her on as an employee. The Doctor was present at their initial meeting, during which Vastra recounts in "The Name of the Doctor" that he saved Jenny's life. She shows herself to have acquired extremely formidable skills as a hand-to-hand combatant and a swords-woman. She is shown in all of her appearances to be entirely comfortable with post-19th century technologies, time travel, and she is repeatedly seen using technology devices, and in the episode "Deep Breath" she is seen wearing and using the Sonic Gauntlet designed for that episode. She is played by Welsh actress Catrin Stewart.

Next week I will start showcasing the Goblin Town starter set miniatures from Game Workshop's Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. I have finished all the goblins (1 post) and through a quarter of Thorin's Company (14 plus Gandalf and Radagast)  which will have a post for each model so the blog should return to its normal weekly posting!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Doctor Who: 10th Doctor Set

So now that the computer is back after a couple weeks in the shop (RAM failed and then the solid state hard drive died), I can get back to posting some updates.  The first two will be my eldest daughter's Christmas presents.  She is a big Doctor Who fan and with Warlord Games now having the license to publish Doctor Who: Into the Time Vortex I picked the 10th and 12th Doctor sets a couple of months go (now is even a better time with a drop in GBP against the dollar as these have to be ordered from the British site vice the U.S. site).  She will likely be getting future sets of aliens as they come out and I will probably be picking up the Doctor sets for myself as well.

Each Doctor set (just the 10th and 12th so far) come with that iteration of the Doctor and four of his companions from that version.  They come in nice cardboard box packaging with a plastic tray/box for the miniatures to sit in.  The plastic tray is surrounded by a cardboard sleeve that gives information on each of the characters.  The miniatures are all approximately 38mm tall, allowing them to have more realistic proportions compared to most 28mm miniatures.

Warlord Games has a painting guide online for each character using Army Painter paints and I followed each of them while painting these miniatures.

The 10th Doctor, David Tennant more recently as the protagonist in Broadchurch (with another season coming!) Kilgrave in Jessica Jones, and previously as Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, is in his classic suit and trench coat outfit.

His first companion is the first companion of the new series, Rose Tyler.  While all the models are great I feel this miniature's face does not do a good job of representing Billie Piper at all, but that may be more to my slowly improving painting ability and some funkieness that happened between the paint and the primer...

His next companion is Martha Jones in her classic red leather jacket. This was my first time painting black skin tone and my paint selection is a little limited so while I am happy with the effort I feel it should be a bit paler to truly represent Freema Agyeman's skin tone.

Next companion is Donna Noble, probably my least liked companion to date, but I think they did an excellent job with Catherine Tate's likeness.

The last companion for the 10th Doctor is Donna's grandfather Wilfred Mott.  Another fine sculpt that captured Bernard Cribbins very well.  I did enjoy him as a companion and what he brought to the Donna character.     

Next up is the the 12th Doctor and companions!

*9th Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) and 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) have not been released yet.  For aliens we have Judoon, Zygons, and the Silence.  There is a plastic Darlek kit in the works and a Cyberman set that will include each version over the 50+ years of Doctor Who history.

Weekly Workbench 18 March 2018

I did not get to finish a war band member this weekend as I finished converting the boys triple bunk beds into a regular bunk and a loft bed...