Monday, July 24, 2017

Weekly Workbench 24 July 2017

Finally back at it with the motivation from Historicon.  Decently busy this week, though the project that sucked up the majority of my day on Saturday was building a storage shelf to hold all my work in progress as I tend to have many different projects going at the same time.  Remember to click on the pictures for a bigger view.


I completed the mortar team, but forgot to take a picture before bringing it into work so at some point I will have to bring it home and get a photo.  During the long break in between posts though I have been working on building a Normandy beach invasion scene using Battlefront's Flames of War 15mm miniatures.

The scene will include numerous beach obstacles, water for the landing craft to be floating in, and the shingle, sea wall, and concertina wire at the top beyond what you see here.  The miniatures include the LCVP from Old Glory Miniatures, an M4 Sherman DD tank from Battlefront, and a P38 Lightning aircraft (the only Allied aircraft not brought down by friendly fire participating in Operation Overlord). The infantry is from the 29th Infantry Division Assault Company box, which is no longer produced and I picked up from the Game Vault shortly before they closed their doors.  This is my first time painting 15mm which has definitely been a challenge!

I have begun work on my Norse Traders Shop from 4Ground for my SAGA game play.  I love working with the MDF but some of the parts are really delicate and you have to be careful when sliding things together.

I have also started putting together my plastic vikings, here are five bondi who can also double as thugs for Frostgrave, who have been glued and primed (today the humidity finally dropped just below 50% so I could prime the figures I had ready).


No work on any Sci-Fi games this week but I am busy ready the first Beyond the Gates of Antares Anthology - Beyond Antares: Open Signal that I picked up at Historicon.  I will be getting back to my Boromites shortly.


I tried to convert my Fell Wargs into winter wargs (so that I could share them between Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game and Frostgrave) with not much success as the black is too strong so I will likely strip them and re-prime them in a lighter color.

For Frostgrave I primed my Ice Giant, a gnoll, treasure tokens, and the wizard & apprentices for Young Elementalist, Sigalist, Thaumaturge, Chronomancer, Barbarian Wizard, and Enchanter (L2R, T2B).  The kids will now have a fairly decent choice to pick their own wizard (war bands may have to shared for a while).

I also found a really cool looking runic golem to use as a large construct monster (or golem) from Alternate Armies I would like to get at some point.

I also primed (need a couple of touch ups) all the wall segments I purchased from Stonehouse Miniatures and as soon as we get to Hobby Lobby for some craft paint they will be finished.

To close you out, as I never showed the final product, is my miniature I had custom made by Hero Forge.

Make sure to stop by next week for another update and check out the mid-week tutorial on painting Oin from Thorin's Company!

*All paints and washes are The Army Painter unless otherwise indicated.

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Weekly Workbench 18 March 2018

I did not get to finish a war band member this weekend as I finished converting the boys triple bunk beds into a regular bunk and a loft bed...