Saturday, February 11, 2017

Weekly Workbench 11 Feb 2017

So, in order to have a more timely posting schedule (though, with the Hobbit Tutorials, I have 16 more weeks of posts in the hopper), I am going to start this weekly feature showing what I have going on during the past week.  This should come out on Saturday nights or Sunday mornings while the Tutorials will remain on Tuesdays until I run out.

First up, I finished all 13 dawarves of Thorin's Company to include basing.  All that is left is putting the overcoat to seal everything.  This will take place tomorrow when temps climb back into the 60's.

All that remains for the Escape from Goblin Town set (other than catwalk terrain) is Gandalf the Grey and the special Radagast the Brown miniature.  Those will be getting hit up this week and then I think I will start painting my Beyond the Gates of Antares' Boromites and Ghar finally.

Seeing as we were out at the Fredricksburg Expo and Convention Center for an event I stopped by Hobby Lobby and picked up some supplies:
-Model Master Gray Primer is what I usually use when not using The Army Painter colored primers.
-Model Master Lacquer Overcoat (Flat) is what I use to seal my miniatures now that I am back in the US (I used Tamiya in Okinawa).
-Tamiya Extra Thin Cement, I usually use the regular but they did not have it and I was almost out after a spill.  When I got home the top was stuck on and I crushed and broke the top off trying to get it unstuck.  So now it resides in the regular Tamiya Cement bottle after cutting down the brush to fit.
-Vallejo Retarder Medium, now that Thorin's Company is done and I have a bunch of standard figures (Ghar, Boromites, USMC, IJA, Wargs, ect.) requiring mass painting I want to try something besides water to thin and keep the paints wet on my pallet much longer.  The Army Painter finally came out with a Warpaints Mixing Medium, which is good as their paints (with the exception of Matt Black) tend to be thick, and I am looking forward to getting some of their's soon.
-2 x Hobby Brush Sets.  I bought a set originally for the four year old to paint his Reaper Bones figures with, found they worked as well if not better than the ProArte and Army Painter brushes at a fraction of the cost I decided to pick up a couple more packs and so I could stop being told how I am stealing his brushes every time he comes into the room.

Last item worked on this week is my LCM (6) from Sarissa Precision.  I got this for Christmas two years ago but did not want to assemble it before leaving Okinawa for fear of it getting damaged in the move.  It was a little beat up when I finally found it today buried in a box of books still waiting to be unpacked but went together fine and looks good.  I was reminded of it as one of this week's EWS lesson was on all the "L" ships for Navy.  Looking forward to landing my M3 "Satan" Flame Tank against some Japanese defenders in Bolt Action with it.

See you all next week!

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Weekly Workbench 18 March 2018

I did not get to finish a war band member this weekend as I finished converting the boys triple bunk beds into a regular bunk and a loft bed...