Sunday, September 10, 2017

Weekly Workbench 10 September 2017

Lots of different things getting done this week with my extra time off.  The big one was rearranging the work bench from one side of the room to the other.  I no longer feel squished into a corner, the lighting is brighter, and the room is much open!

This was done in part to add an additional space for the new photo station I received.  The make shift desk is temporary, once I have the funds for a second desk I will also be adding a spray booth for an airbrush.

Speaking of air brushes, a good friend gifted me this Paasche Talon from his modeling days.  I cannot wait to put it to use!

With the four different tips and three needles I will be able to use it on everything from detail work to large area coating on terrain pieces!  This should be a great time saver and money saver when it comes to priming large items.

I will be spending a lot of time with it and reading the handy pamphlet that came with it during the next week.


Here is a better look at my Scots Thanes for SAGA with their completed bases and shields.  Much better results in the new photo booth!

The warlord should be completed this week as...

...a package arrived from Footsore Miniatures and inside...

...were a large number of reinforcements to include...

...the Picts/Scots Handler and Warhounds!  While the SAGA Scots army list does not have a place for the warhounds (Irish Wolfhounds), I am going to place one of them on the base with my warlord.  Some of the others will likely make it into some of the Frostgrave warbands for the kids.

Also in the package was a set of Scots Warriors with Hand Weapons...

...and three sets of Scots Warriors with Javelins to use as my levies!  All the Javelin throwers were the same four out of the eight possible variants but with Footsore a month behind orders due to their furnace breaking I cannot hold it against them.

Also included was the free Viking hero Torston Oakhammer, which will be available for purchase towards the end of the year.


Three wizards and their apprentices were finished and are ready to enter the Alchemist Lab in Frostgrave's Felstad city once they hire some helpers.

First up are Shep's Chronomancers: Bubba Timehopper and Clara!

Next is Ivy's Elementalists: Rhea and Karana!

And last is Mugzy's Sigilists: Mugzeritte and Meadow!

Duncan's Sumonners and Gideon's Enchanters (that he is having me redo his paint job on new models) should be done this week and then the exploration will begin!

Speaking of exploration, more work got done on my first foam ruined building.  I glued it to a plywood base, added rubble to the sides, a broken ladder to reach the platform, and then primed everything black.  I have to touch up some of the primer in some tough to reach spaces and then should have it painted sometime this week!

I have another terrain project I working on as well but I am going to save that for the tutorial post the Wednesday after this coming.

That's it for this week but be sure to stop in Wednesday for a Painting Guide on Radagast the Brown!  See you next week!

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Weekly Workbench 18 March 2018

I did not get to finish a war band member this weekend as I finished converting the boys triple bunk beds into a regular bunk and a loft bed...