First up is Shep's war band, all finished and based and ready for the Skeleton Run! From Left to Right: John the Archer, Bill the Infantryman, Gu'ard the War-Hound, Sam the Thief, Bubba Timehopper the Chronomancer, Clara the Apprentice, Robin the Thief, Captain Harkness, and Bob the Crossbowman.
Next was Duncan's war band, finished and based as well. From Left to Right: Soul Launcher the Archer, Viper the Infantryman, Thief 1, Bob the War-Hound, Zombie 1, Bone Crusher the Summoner, Zombie 2, Quick Shadow the Apprentice, Thief 2, Captain Tough Nut, Death Arrow the Crossbowman. He still has a number of his summoned creatures that need to be finished but the basic war band is done.
As you can tell from the boys' warbands I gave them all textured bases that I made. The first step was to drill holes in the MDF bases and add some rare earth magnets. This allows the miniatures to be moved in their display cases without worrying about them crashing around.
I then used my textured rollers and green-stuff to make the bases. I used the Cobblestone for Shep's and the Frozen for Duncan's.
Base colors for the Frozen were Army Painter Ice Storm and Space Ship Exterior followed up with a Blue Tone ink wash. The Cobblestone base colors were Army Painter Field Grey and Dungeon Grey with a Dark Tone wash.
I then did a highlight of Gorgon Hide and another Blue Tone ink wash before using Vallejo Black Primer for the edges on the Frozen. For the Cobblestone they were dry brushed with Castle Grey and a second Dark Tone wash with Vallejo Black Primer on the edges as well.
I also got the Eternal Guard Skeletons based as well, just in time for the Skeleton Run for Dark Alchemy Campaign of Frostgrave.
Realizing I would need more than five skeletons during the Skeleton Run, I knocked out these Reaper Bones skeletons as well, using the Vallejo Grey Sand Ground Texture for their base, it makes nice snow when painted.
This weekend I started work on Ivy's war-band, here are her Knight and Archer, both from Dark Sword miniatures.
Here are her two thieve's from Wizkids HD Minis.
Last is her snow leopard (summoned during her first game), and Crossbowman from North Star.
Saturday night Shep got in his second game of Frostgrave, completing the aforementioned Skeleton Run of the Dark Alchemy Campaign. The battle report should be out this week.
Here is the update for this week. A little behind on Ivy's war band and I am probably going to switch to Mugzy's instead of Gideon's this week as I will have a paper to write for C&S this weekend which will take up some time. See you all next week!