Sunday, October 8, 2017

Weekly Workbench 8 October 2017

The short break due to my mother's visit is over and I am back to work.  Before she left I did get some painting in and presented her with the mini diorama above, made up of the Irish Wolfhounds from Footsore Miniatures.  Her grandfather used to raise them and she has fond memories of them, but not so much their tails.

Not only a lot accomplished on the workbench but all the kids have completed the Alchemical Monstrosity adventure of the Dark Alchemy campaign for Frostgrave and we will begin the Skeleton Run this week!

Table Top Commanders' started their Winter Warmer Challenge this week and I pledged the following:

1 x SAGA Scots 6pt Warband
1 x SAGA Viking 6pt Warband
6 x FROSTGRAVE basic warbands
2 x Diorama's for Christmas Presents
Finishing the Normandy Diorama

Fantasy:  The largest portion of my work as I try to get the full Frostgrave warbands done before the kids start competing among themselves.

First up is Gideon's wizard.  He is from Wizkids new D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures line.  They come pre-primed with Vallejo primer.  While there is some minor mold lines that were not cleaned off, the sculpts are excellent, the clear plastic energy pieces are nice, and you get two miniatures for $4.

The second miniature of the set is Gideon's apprentice.  I have a number of other miniatures from this line that will also be making an appearance in the near future.

Lot's of building got done while visiting with my mother as I cobbled together the warbands using the Soldiers and Barbarians box-sets from North Star Figures.  Most of these still need some putty work before priming them as soon as the humidity drops.

First up is two thieves.

Here are three Treasure Hunters, who will double as thieves until the kids upgrade them.

Two Crossbowmen.

Three more Crossbowmen.

Two Infantrymen and a Man-at-Arms/Captain

My Captain with a two handed axe and my Tunnel Fighter.

As the next adventure in the campaign is Skeleton Run I wanted to get some skeletons ready beyond the plain Reaper Bones ones.  Here I have Alternative Armies' Eternal Guard painted and dipped.

Tomorrow I will dull coat, add some rust affects, and base them.

Historical:  I also continued work on my Scots warband for SAGA, getting in some painting as I waited for other items to dry.

Three Archers, also to be used in Frostgrave.

Some warriors.

And three more warriors.

That's it for this week. I have a paint guide, with step by step pictures this time, I am putting together for the dwarf wizards, which should be out in a couple of weeks.  First up though is this week's terrain tutorial I have been teasing about (long finished by waiting to get in the lineup), and then a tutorial on the goblin's of Goblin Town, to finish out that series.  We should also be seeing another battle report as Bubba Time-Hopper makes his way through the Skeletal Run! 

Treasure awaits from Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures!

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Weekly Workbench 18 March 2018

I did not get to finish a war band member this weekend as I finished converting the boys triple bunk beds into a regular bunk and a loft bed...