First up, the skeletons of the Eternal Guard from Alternate Armies had The Army Painter Dry Rust Effect applied to their steel parts and Military Shader wash applied to the copper pieces for oxidation. They were then dull coated and now just need to be based, more on that later.
Duncan's warband is off to a great start with all his main party from North Star being painted and washed with Strong Tone. They just need some quick highlights on selected miniatures and a dull coat before basing. Here we have his champion and two extra zombies he may raise into his service.
His two thieves and his archer are nearly ready as well.
Also coming along is his crossbowman and war hound.
One of his extras, his fire giant warrior from Reaper, which on a rare chance he may be able to summon to help him, is also being worked on.
Now onto the goodies that arrived this week. First up is the shipment from Footsore with a bunch of Arthurian legends.

Guinevere was their special miniature exclusive for September and I purchased several of the court to get her. First is Lancelot and Merlin. Also arriving are Bors & Tristan and Gawain & Galahad. I will look forward to painting these in December and once I complete the collection with King Arthur and Mordred making a nice diorama with them.
I also received a shipment from Green Stuff World that included four rollers and their silicone guide rings. The four rollers I chose were the plain, frozen, cobblestone, and wood. I also received some more green stuff epoxy putty as I will be making a lot of base tops and some MDF 25mm and 40mm round bases.
I also ordered from the small boutique company, Dark Sword Miniatures, in order to pick up some female characters for the girls' warbands. The miniatures are all of outstanding quality; supremely detailed and with mold lines nearly invisible. In fact, half the miniatures did not even get scraped as I could not find the mold lines. I cannot wait to start painting these and I will definitely be ordering from them again.

I also picked up two thieves and a paladin for myself. In this case my wizard has enchanted some woodland creatures to come to his aid. Ella the cat and Chet the field squirrel are his thieves. The frothy UK badger will be his paladin and I think I shall name this large fellow Sunflash the Mace (bonus points to anyone who knows the reference without looking it up).
Dark Sword Miniatures also included to free miniatures in the package.
First up is this Female Mage who may very well make an appearance in Felstad one day.
The second miniature is Thief of Hearts #5, she is a little under dressed for use with the kids but she looks to be another lovely model to paint up.
Last we have the status update for the Winter Warmer Challenge. See you all next week for another Weekly Workbench and I will do my best to get the terrain tutorial out this week!
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