Sunday, April 3, 2016

D-Day Firefight

For my first miniature painting in years I started with Warlord Games D-Day Firefight set for their WWII era Bolt Action rule set.  I have to say I was really impressed with the quality of the sculpts, the lack of flash, and the wide variety of poses and configurations available.  I (re)-learned a lot building and painting these.  As such there are variations from squad to squad and figure to figure as I tried different things out (paints, inks, tones, etc.).

Here first is the German squad.  I have not completed the Hanomag half-track that makes up the rest of the point value as I am waiting to get back to the States before I get an airbrush and compressor.

Next up are the two U.S. Army squads, as you can tell I went with two major paint schemes (and multiple smaller variations) as I tried out different looks and paints.

Last are the various HQ elements: a Bazooka Team, an Officer and his runner, and a Sniper Team.

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Weekly Workbench 18 March 2018

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