Friday, April 8, 2016

KR Multi-Case Kaiser2 Review

  A break from the GySgt Gift posts as my KR Multi-Case came in today.  My wife got it for my birthday but the USPS lovely routing system sent it on the slow ship out of California and it took a month to get here.  The case looks phenomenal so far, tons of pockets for additional storage, and well constructed for securely transporting miniatures.  I got the Kaiser2, as I wanted to be able to carry two opposing armies and the case meets airline carry-on requirements.

  Here is the front of the case.  There are two flap pockets, the width of which match the "pocket" size Bolt Action rule books but can fit multiple books in each pocket.  Behind them are a zipper pocket for the whole front.  On the top you can see the carrying handle, nice and comfortable.  When I had the inside cases out my 36 lbs four year old climbed inside and had me zip him up.  I was able to pick up the case from just the handle with no issues or concerns of tearing.

On the left side are is another zipper pocket, capable of storing multiple full size rule books and the KR insignia on the side is actually a clear plastic pocket for placing an identification card in it from inside the zipper pocket.

  On the right side is a mesh pocket, currently holding the shoulder strap that can be attached for ease of travel.

  The back has an additional two zipper pockets for more storage.  As does the inside cover as seen below.

  The KR2 contains two multi-cases, thick, heavy duty card board boxes with plastic handles that hold the foam and miniatures.

  I had each case set-up the same and capable of carrying a good standard size (1500 pt) army with room to spare.

   The first tray is for individual miniatures.  Here I have a couple of Warlord Games' 28mm USMC from their Bolt Action line in various poses: the first three are standing, the next two are crouching and placed base down, and the last is prone Marine sans base.  They fit fairly snug and should have no issue during travel.

  The next level consists of two trays.  On the left is a 70mm deep pluck foam tray for vehicles and goes all the way to the bottom of the case.  In it is one of Warlord Games' resin LVT-4 Buffalo AMTRACs model for scale.  All the pluck foam trays are the same as the miniature trays, just without spots for miniatures removed.  It does require removal of the internal walls when the model is larger than one row.  On the right is a half miniature tray, this allows for a total of 75 individual miniatures per each of my cases.

  The last level is only on the right side and is a 30mm deep pluck foam tray for storing team based units (mortars, anti-tank rifles, machine-gun teams, etc).

  Each tray, pluck and individual miniature, has a 5mm base sheet on the bottom for the miniatures to sit on and provide additional protection between trays.

  Overall it appears to be a very well constructed product and I am relieved to have it for the upcoming move, after which I will provide some additional feedback.

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