Sunday, March 12, 2017

Weekly Workbench 12 March 2017

So despite being on leave all week, which one would think would lead to tons of opportunities to paint miniatures I got almost zero painting done until today.  Between building a new lifting platform for the garage gym, spending time with the kids, Cub Scout Pinewood Derby, and starting a new college class I was pretty busy.  I do have a couple of miniature related items though.

Thank You Mom!

Today was my birthday and my wonderful mother kindly gifted me The Army Painter's Veteran Warpainters Upgrade Set! The set includes 82 dropper bottles to include 3 more metallic paints, 4 more washes, and 7 more effects (ranging from primer, to mixing mediums, to Wet Mud, Glistening Blood, and Dry Rust), and a ton new shades of color!


As you can see set came with the Most Wanted Brush Set (The Regiment Brush at about #1, the Insane Detail at a 5/0 or 10/0, and a small dry brush), as well as their Masterclass Brush with Kolinsky Sable hair at 2/0.

Thank You!
 A nice little thank you note was included as well.

All the colors!

Lastly were the 13 boxes of 6 dropper bottles and a 14th with 4 dropper bottles of paint.  I will spare you going through all the different colors in detail but there are a lot more shades which means a lot less mixing on my part!  This will save both time and money in wasted paint!  This evening I did get a chance to break some of them out and try some new ideas.

Nicely laid out.


Back to Warlord Games' Bolt Action 60mm Medium Mortar Team I used the new Combat Fatigues color to paint over the uniform of one of the Marines.  I think this looks much more realistic and weather beaten than the standard Army Green I have used in the past.  The Army Green Primer will not go to waste though as it makes a nice undercoat and base for the Combat Fatigues and removes a step in the painting process. In the picture below, the mortar tube, webbing, and gaiters are still in Army Green while the uniform has been painted with Combat Fatigues.

No longer a boot, this Marine has seen some time in the tropics!


With all the new blues received I tried out two of the new colors for use as highlights on Warlord Games' Beyond the Gates of Antares Ghar Assault Squad member.  The lighter shade is Voidshield Blue and the darker color is Viking Blue.  I am leaning towards the Viking Blue but am interested in what you all think.  The lines were really rough here as my grip was shot from my workout and my hands would not stop shaking.  Good thing this is the test model I will likely repaint once I am set on a color scheme!

Voidshield Blue or Viking Blue?


I think I found a good pale flesh color that would have worked well for my goblins.  Instead I am going to use Drake Tooth with one of the new washes (Flesh Wash or Light Tone) for Games Workshop's Gollum.  Here he is painted in just the Drake Tooth.

What is it my Preciousss?!?

That's it for this week, not a lot of accomplished but plenty of new possibilities!  Now to figure out just where to store all the new paint bottles!   See you Tuesday for the tutorial on painting Dori!


  1. Hi there,
    Nice paint set. Could you tell me where you got it from ?
    I can't find it on the Army Painter webstore.

    1. Maldrac,
      Unfortunately this was a limited time offer set they provided when they re-released all of the licensed Warpaints in one set: Warpaints Mega Paint Set 2017, this allowed those of us who had the previous Mega Paint Set to fill out our collection without doubling up. Now you will need to buy the above paint set and get the Quickshades, Metallics, and Effects separately. I hope they bring the Veteran set back as it was a great purchase that others would very much enjoy.


Weekly Workbench 18 March 2018

I did not get to finish a war band member this weekend as I finished converting the boys triple bunk beds into a regular bunk and a loft bed...