This week I simply finished basing the 12 Bolt Action US Marines I had already painted. I had initially thought about repainting portions of them but then realized the miniatures were fine for tabletop standard and that is what they were meant for. For the basing I used Warlord's Battlefields & Basing Summer Grass and some of The Army Painter's Battlefield Jungle Tufts. I left a decent amount of sand visible on a number of miniatures to show them transitioning from the beach to inland areas.
More work on the Ghar battle-suit for Beyond the Gates of Antares. I used The Army Painter Gun Metal mixed with Matt Black for the cables and then Gun Metal with a Red Tone wash for all the power nodes and optics on their suit. I am almost done with the color scheme but need to rethink the highlights and still have some grey primer left. There is not enough difference with the blues so I might go a lighter shade, go with a red, or just use black, any suggestions?
I finished basing Gandalf for Games Workshops Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game (eventually they will update their website with the new name). I used Warlord's Battlefields & Basing Patchy Grass and Patchy Tufts.
I also finished painting and basing Radagast. I found two spiders while painting the base. I initially thought they were rock outcroppings, weird fungus, or the end of a log until I painted them grey. I used Warlord's Battlefields & Basing Autumn Grass to show the grass starting to die from the corruption as Radagast flees Rhosgobel.

Lastly, I designed and ordered a miniature from Hero Forge Custom Miniatures. This is a company that utilizes 3-D printing to make individual miniatures custom ordered. They have a large and expanding inventory of poses, weapons, armor, genres, clothes, mounts, etc. to make your miniature truly unique. They have three scales (30mm, 2x, and 4x) and four materials (Premium Plastic, Nylon Plastic, Steel, and Bronze) to chose from. They are a bit pricey per miniature, especially if you venture outside the plastics and steel at the 30mm range, but nowhere else can you custom design a one off miniature. I got the premium plastic 30mm and am looking forward to his arrival in 2 - 4 weeks so I can do a review after painting.
Thanks for the visit, leave some comments, and I will see you all on Tuesday for Fili's Tutorial!
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