Sunday, March 26, 2017

Weekly Workbench 26 March 2017

Still not getting as much time as I would like painting each week, kids keeping me busy.  I did manage to get some stuff done and even used some new products.  After watching Next Level Painting's YouTube episode The Best Hobby Products, I purchased a couple of the ones he talked about, or variations thereof.  I picked up Vallejo Brown Earth Texture (26.219), Grey Sand Ground Texture (26.215), and Black Surface Primer (73.602).

New basing supplies!

Our mortar team starts digging into the clay mud!

I finished painting Warlord GamesBolt Action 60mm Medium Mortar Team.  I only used one new color, True Copper for the buttons, sticking with Oak Brown for wood, Leather Brown for leather, and Gun Metal and Black for steel.  I did use the Military Shader wash on the uniform which is lighter than the Green Tone I have used before.  I also used the Mid Brown wash on the rest, and as I found out on the Boromites, it places a red-brown wash over the model.  In this case that was nice, as many of the islands the Marine's fought on during WWII had a red clay soil.  Once all this painting was completed I glued them to the base and added the Vallejo Brown Earth Texture (26.219).  Tomorrow I will finish the basing once the Brown Earth dries completely.


Boromites still figuring out cammo.

For the Warlord GamesBeyond the Gates of Antares Boromites I washed one miniature with Soft Tone and another with Mid Brown.  Neither came out with the dark crevasses I wanted.  Instead, both left the grey relatively untouched and the Mid Brown wash left an additional reddish hue on the equipment.  I think I will have to use a Dark Tone to get the effect I desire.  I also highlighted the skin with Dragon Red to brighten the purplish Vampire Red.


Wargs on the prowl.

This week I began on Games Workshop's Fell Wargs.  So far I have only gotten to dry brushing the Black base coat with Werewolf Fur and will need at least one or two more fur colors to help bring out longer fur.  In addition I will be painting their fangs, starting with Drake Tooth.

Make sure to stop by next week for another update and check out the mid-week tutorial on painting Ori from Thorin's Company!

*All paints and washes are The Army Painter unless otherwise indicated.

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Weekly Workbench 18 March 2018

I did not get to finish a war band member this weekend as I finished converting the boys triple bunk beds into a regular bunk and a loft bed...