Sunday, August 6, 2017

Weekly Workbench 06 August 2017

My Boromite Worker Gangs are glowering at me from underneath their stony brows, but despite their neglected status I did manage to get a decent amount of work in this week even with losing a couple of days to the youngest spending two days in the hospital.

Boromites demanding to be finished or they start an insurrection!


Viking Bondi ready for glory.
Most of the week's work was spent here on my SAGA war bands.  The Vikings had five of their bondi completed from start to finish.

My Scots had their warlord, heathguard, and a couple of warriors cleaned, filed, and primed for painting this coming week.  I have to say I am not a fan of these metal sculpts from Gripping Beast as there is a lot of flash, mold lines, and filled gaps (especially the hands where the weapons are supposed to be attached).  This is somewhat surprising considering how well Gripping Beast's plastics are.

Scots Warlord, Heathguard, and two warriors.


As mentioned above my Boromites are still waiting to get to work but I did manage to finish the Beyond the Gates of Antares anthology Open Signal.  I thought it was a well edited tome with surprisingly almost zero contradictions, which is really surprising for a game universe that is being created by the players as it is by the publishers.


Winter Wargs on the prowl!
No new models were started this week but I did finish both the Winter Wargs for The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game, and the Frost Giant for Frostgrave.  I used Vallejo's 26.215 Grey Sand ground texture as the base for snow before painting and highlighting it (I found out last night in a new video posted by Vallejo they have a snow texture as well!).

My first go at Green Stuff scultping.

For the Frost Giant, I completed my first sculpted base using Green Stuff for both the ground, a fallen pillar, and some snow fall.

 I did learn I should have left the pillar off until after it was all dry as it bent a little pressing it into the base for it to dry attached to the base.

Overall I am happy with the result.


A new segment as I am doing more of it and a lot of the terrain will be interchangeable between the three above segments.  This week I applied the base color to the wall segments from Stone House Miniatures.  This was done with Aniata's Charcoal craft paint.

Top half washed in Strong Tone.

I then washed half of them (mostly the ones with a grey or white primer) with The Army Painter's Strong Tone.  The other half (most of the black primed ones) with Anita's Rainy Day Grey craft paint. I am going to spray these with dull coat at this point and just make some snow drifts and caps from Green Stuff so I can use the wall sections in other games beyond Frostgrave.

Highlighted and ready for the protective coat.

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you next week and for my hobbit lovers be sure to stop by on Wednesday night for Bifur's painting guide!  

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Weekly Workbench 18 March 2018

I did not get to finish a war band member this weekend as I finished converting the boys triple bunk beds into a regular bunk and a loft bed...