Sunday, August 13, 2017

Weekly Workbench 13 August 2017

A decent amount of work this week with work getting done across all four domains so that was nice!


Today I worked on my Scots Thanes for SAGA, getting the base layers of skin tone, leather work, armor, and their kilts done.  I went with variations of the Cameron tartan for their kilts as I can trace my lineage back to them on my mother's side (my father's side comes from clan MacNab).  I hope to have these guys done tomorrow.

Cameron Thanes - still a long ways to go.


I finally got back to work on my Boromite Gang Fighters for Beyond the Gates of Antares and completed the basic colors on the five remaining members of the squad on Friday.  They definitely need a wash to darken them up and then all seven will need some more work done to their equipment to help it pop a little more.

Boromite Gang Fighters, a long way to go.


Monday I knocked out my six treasure tokens for Frostgrave, which look nice but I think I am going to change the scepter's rod to ivory to make it more recognizable as a scepter vice a giant key!  I am going to have to find some more treasure tokens as well depending on how many kids are playing at once.

Treasure, coated in dust after being buried for a thousand years.

The bulk of Saturday was spent working on my Enchanter with a little having been done on Tuesday.  I think he came out really well but should have been doing his apprentice at the same time as there was a lot of time lost waiting on paint to dry.


I just need to base him this week and then throw on the protective coating and we will have one wizard done!  Shep wants to have a Chronomancer for his wizard so that will be the next one up.

The highlights on the fur coat show up much better (in the pics) on the back for some reason.


Sort of finished off the wall sections from Stone House Miniatures.  I dry-brushed the washed ones and then everything got a nice protective coat.

Washed - Dry-Brushed
Washed - Before

However, as you can see, the dry-brushing highlights disappeared from the washed ones once the flat lacquer overcoat was applied.  Not sure if this was from some interaction between the wash varnish and the overcoat but looks like I will be doing more dry-brushing this coming week.

(l) No varnish, dry-brushed, overcoat; (r) varnish, dry-brush, overcoat (where did the dry-brush go?)

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out Wednesday's painting guide for Bofur the dwarf of Thorin's Company!

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Weekly Workbench 18 March 2018

I did not get to finish a war band member this weekend as I finished converting the boys triple bunk beds into a regular bunk and a loft bed...